Our qualified and highly skilled personnel have many years of experience in the construction industry. Working on some of Australia’s biggest projects, our safety professionals will help you meet your WHS requirements on site.
Hands on experience is combined with experience developing, and working with some of industries best cutting edge safety initiatives.
With the requirement for the development and use of Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) associated with high risk work activities, some safety personnel have developed SWMS that are overly complicated and go far and beyond the requirements of the law. In our experience, these types of documents do not improve safety at the workplace. Instead they:
- Are often viewed with suspicion by the very personnel meant to use them
- Contain irrelevant hazards and unrealistic assessment of risk
- Constrain business by seeking to implement over the top controls
- Are not seen as relevant or useful by personnel and therefore not followed. This in turn creates the potential for incidents and liability should something go wrong.
Talk to us today and let us help you develop safety documents that are viewed positively by your workforce.