- Core Services
- Oil and Gas
- Construction
- Hospitality
- Support to Insurance Brokers
- Agribusiness
- Manufacturing
- Support to Insolvency Practitioners
- Chain of Responsibility
Due diligence
Work health and safety legislation imposes a specific duty on officers of corporations (including Administrators) to exercise due diligence to ensure that it meets its work health and safety obligations. The duty requires officers to be proactive in ensuring that the corporation complies with its duty.
We work closely with industry experts in Insolvency and Administration to ensure they meet their legislative obligations. Our knowledge and approach to safety and risk means we’re able to identify key areas of risk and compliance, and make practical recommendations for measures to eliminate or suitably control the risk. Our services include the ability to provide on-site personnel to manage work health risks (including those from contractors).
Trading and Non-Trading Appointments
We specialise in providing support to Administrators during both Trading and Non-Trading Appointments. Our expert safety knowledge combined with a commercially realistic approach to managing risks, means that you can rely on us for all your safety needs.
Services include:
- Undertaking Risk and Compliance Audits (E.g. WHS, chemical management, Food Hygiene, Site Environmental management, Plant, Asbestos etc)
- Development of Risk Management Plans – together with Risk Prioritisation methodology
- Management of contractors and service providers
- Sourcing, and supply of safety related materials, products and services
- Property risk review
Contact us today to discuss how we can help.